Prairie States Enterprises Celebrates 35-Year Anniversary
Sheboygan, WI,
—Prairie States Enterprises (“Prairie States”), a Sheboygan-based third-party administrator of group health benefit plans, has announced plans to celebrate its 35-year anniversary throughout 2024. Dedicated to making high quality health benefits more affordable for self-funded businesses, Prairie States has long been an innovator in employee wellness, data-driven and flexible plan design, and industry-leading service.
Prairie States was founded in 1989 by nurse practitioner and current CEO Felicia Wilhelm. Bringing a forward-thinking approach to the company’s service offerings and operational model, Wilhelm’s vision has been to integrate claims data, clinical understanding, and administrative excellence together into a unified whole. “Prairie States’ strength is our clinical expertise and mastery of health and claims data,” said Wilhelm. “We’ve made sure we would always be much more than just a ‘claims-payer.’”
The company has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, adding new customers while expanding staff and operations. “We’ve come a long way over these 35 years,” Wilhelm says, “successfully serving employers in Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest and beyond. The market has seen that what we offer is different and works really well.”
From the start, the TPA has innovated cost-saving healthcare solutions for businesses including proactive and comprehensive health management services, value-based plan design, hospital bill audits, data analytics, and more—all without compromising on employee care.
Member-centric focus has been a key differentiator as well. Prairie States’ Optimal Health wellness program provides personalized education from certified health coaches to promote healthier lifestyles. Similarly, the TPA’s FiveStar Health concierge program helps members to manage and make the most of their available healthcare resources and services through a designated, one-on-one navigator.
In addition to benefits administration, Prairie States has developed a reputation for providing the highest level of customer services to members and employers alike. By ensuring that all communications, through phone, fax, email, or the company’s online portal, are handled personally and quickly, Prairie States continues to uphold a high standard of service through its 35 years in business.
Prairie States Enterprises, Inc. is a third-party health benefits plan administrator that brings industry expertise and a clinical focus to self-insured companies. Our in-house claims administration, health management services, wellness programs, plan analysis and predictive modeling tools result in remarkable and unprecedented cost control for employers. We also provide the most compassionate and personalized level of service for plan members.